
Lead with Confidence, Courage, and Influence Without Missing Out on Life's Joys!


Lead with Confidence, Courage, and Influence Without Missing Out on Life's Joys!


Does this sound familiar?

 "My management entrusted me with this huge opportunity, and I don’t want to fail them!"

 "I love my job, but I work endless hours, and my health and well-being begin to suffer."

 "I find it difficult to keep my poise and calm in high-pressure situations."

 "I often find it difficult to speak up for fear I might say something silly and lose my credibility or become unpopular."

 "I am a doer and hard worker. But I often lack the confidence to follow my own path, and instead let others influence my actions and ambitions."

 "Am I the right person for this job?" is a question that often pops up in my mind. I'm just not sure I am the leader I always wanted to be.

 "I think I am pretty good at what I do, and yet some colleagues don’t seem to take me seriously, making me feel unheard and undervalued."

 "My thoughts often drag me down. I ruminate over past situations, getting stuck in self-criticism. I wish I felt more at peace!"

 "I tend to feel lonely and isolated. I wish I had someone at my level to talk to and share experiences with."

"I fear that as a woman, I don’t have the same opportunities and cannot be fully authentic. I often play tough to fit in amongst my male colleagues."

If you can relate, you’re not alone!

This is what hundreds of professional women share with me privately when no one else can hear…

They usually love their work, but they struggle to make the impact they desire. And they wonder whether their career ambitions are compatible with a life that is truly worth living.

What if you could step into your power and have the impact (and the life) that you crave?

Trust me when I say—yes, you can! You can get back in the driver’s seat of your life. You can get the promotion and the salary that you want! You can follow a career path that's true to who you are. And yes, you can shine as a leader in your own unique way!

Perhaps you know this too, but you don't know how to get there.

And that's what might have led you to read this page…

I'm thrilled that you're here!

Hi! I am Alena, founder of SHELeads, TEDx speaker, coach, mentor, and guide for women executives (and also a globetrotter, adventurer, explorer of the human psyche, and in love with life)!

I've worked with women from 18 different countries, spanning industries like Pharma, IT, Finance, Manufacturing, Gas & Oil, and more.

It's my mission to change the game for women leaders (both current and future). It's not just about being great at your job. I want you to feel great about yourself and the life you create for yourself—at work and at home.

What if you could step into your power and have the impact (and the life) that you crave?

Trust me when I say—yes, you can! You can get back in the driver’s seat of your life. You can get the promotion and the salary that you want! You can follow a career path that's true to who you are. And yes, you can shine as a leader in your own unique way!

Perhaps you know this too, but you don't know how to get there.

And that's what might have led you to read this page…

I'm thrilled that you're here!

Hi! I am Alena, founder of SHELeads, TEDx speaker, coach, mentor, and guide for women executives (and also a globetrotter, adventurer, explorer of the human psyche, and in love with life)!

I've worked with women from 18 different countries, spanning industries like Pharma, IT, Finance, Manufacturing, Gas & Oil, and more.

It's my mission to change the game for women leaders (both current and future). It's not just about being great at your job. I want you to feel great about yourself and the life you create for yourself—at work and at home.


My story

After 15+ years in the corporate world, in positions of marketing, sales, and communication, experiencing work and life across 5 different countries on 2 continents, I followed my passion and started my own business. It was a long path, filled with successes and failures, that eventually led me to create SHELeads in 2018.

It all started as a tiny project, born out of my own failings as a professional, a leader, and... as a woman!

Back then, I was immersed in the men's world. Most of my friends were male, and literally all my clients—senior company execs with whom I worked on their public speaking, communication, and influencing skills—were men! I enjoyed their company and resonated with the 'masculine' vibe: direct, logical, driven, competitive...

But then an existential crisis hit.

I was stressed and overworked, and my personal life crumbled to pieces.

I hit rock bottom.

I had to face the very ugly truth about who I had become over the years of dedicating my life almost exclusively to the pursuit of professional goals.

I learned how to DRIVE, but I forgot how to FLOW.

My life became lopsided. I lived in my HEAD—thinking, planning, making decisions, directing people and projects.

I was so busy DOING that I forgot about BEING—experiencing joy, love, and deep connections.

I lost touch with my inner senses, my inner sources of power, my creativity.

My crisis propelled me on a long journey of self-discovery, further studies, and a multitude of lived experiences that helped convert all that knowledge into a real transformation of the broken parts of me.

Here’s what I came to believe:

  • Many of us women who actively pursue a career in management are well in tune with our masculine side. We are go-getters, driven, independent, and action-focused. These are great qualities because they help us get stuff done and achieve more at work. Yet, that's only one part of our story.
  • There are other parts of us where the source of our inner flame resides, including our receptive and intuitive feminine self. Reclaiming and balancing all parts can greatly enrich our lives and the lives of the people around us.
  • When I realized that so many women faced the challenges I knew so well, I felt a great desire to share what I’d learned, so I opened my first ‘experimental’ group. The message resonated…

And here we are, 6 years later, SHELeads is impacting the lives of women all over the world!

In my work with clients,

⟶ I combine my corporate experience and professional expertise with my training in Emotional Intelligence

⟶ Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

⟶ Coaching

⟶ Mentoring

⟶ Mindfulness, and

⟶ Meditation.

⟶ By the way, I am also a certified ‘Enlightened Warrior’ :)

Here’s what I came to believe:

  • Many of us women who actively pursue a career in management are well in tune with our masculine side. We are go-getters, driven, independent, and action-focused. These are great qualities because they help us get stuff done and achieve more at work. Yet, that's only one part of our story.
  • There are other parts of us where the source of our inner flame resides, including our receptive and intuitive feminine self. Reclaiming and balancing all parts can greatly enrich our lives and the lives of the people around us.
  • When I realized that so many women faced the challenges I knew so well, I felt a great desire to share what I’d learned, so I opened my first ‘experimental’ group. The message resonated…

And here we are, 6 years later, SHELeads is impacting the lives of women all over the world!

In my work with clients,

⟶ I combine my corporate experience and professional expertise with my training in Emotional Intelligence

⟶ Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

⟶ Coaching

⟶ Mentoring

⟶ Mindfulness, and

⟶ Meditation.

⟶ By the way, I am also a certified ‘Enlightened Warrior’ :)

“Lower self-esteem and a lack of a healthy work-life balance occur more frequently in women than men. They have been identified as frequent causes of burnout.”



Holistic Leadership Program to empower you from the inside out!

SHELeads is a live online group program designed to help women bosses—both current and future—excel in spaces where men typically dominate.

SHELeads isn’t just another leadership program. It’s a career and lifestyle transformation for those women who want to shine as leaders in their own unique way, who want more career and monetary success, but also more joy and fulfilment in their lives!

What can you expect?



6-12 Participants
Per Cohort

International Women
Various Career Levels

Online Live




Ignite your inner spark, fulfill, and balance the different roles in your life so that you can excel in each one.

From Within

Build psychological and emotional resilience to handle whatever comes your way.


Boost your confidence, and influence to grow in your career and lead your teams more effectively!

Leading With
Head + Heart

Reclaim the lost parts of yourself (including the masculine and feminine) to become a more wholesome leader!

Greater Sense
of Meaning

Embrace your true self, find purpose, and gain clarity in your career and life aspirations.

What can you expect?


6-Months Duration

6-12 Participants Per Cohort

International Women Various Career Levels

Online Live Weekly Sessions

Community Support


Holistic Approach

Ignite your inner spark, fulfill, and balance the different roles in your life so that you can excel in each one.

Empowerment From Within

Build psychological and emotional resilience to handle whatever comes your way.

Boosted Performance

Boost your confidence, and influence to grow in your career and lead your teams more effectively!

Leading With Head + Heart

Reclaim the lost parts of yourself (including the masculine and feminine) to become a more wholesome leader!

Greater Sense of Meaning

Embrace your true self, find purpose, and gain clarity in your career and life aspirations.


The Four Pillars of SHELeads are crafted to break down the common barriers you face and help you boost your core confidence, courage, and influence, and to discover your unique style so that you can lead in YOUR own way.

You'll start by building yourself first to integrate with your skills—developing real leadership from the inside out.

The Leader



The Influencer

Cultivate self-leadership so you can stand solid on your own two feet, growing and expanding with each new challenge.

Turn your feminine qualities into your secret superpower to feel authentic in your own skin and believe in your self-worth as a female leader.

Get the big picture of your life and lifestyle choices to strike the right balance between work and personal life.

Develop your skill set to become even more influential and persuasive, increasing your impact and visibility in the workplace


The Four Pillars of SHELeads are crafted to break down the common barriers you face and help you boost your core confidence, courage, and influence, and to discover your unique style so that you can lead in YOUR own way.

You'll start by building yourself first to integrate with your skills—developing real leadership from the inside out.

The Leader

Cultivate self-leadership so you can stand solid on your own two feet, growing and expanding with each new challenge.


Turn your feminine qualities into your secret superpower to feel authentic in your own skin and believe in your self-worth as a female leader.


Get the big picture of your life and lifestyle choices to strike the right balance between work and personal life.

The Influencer

Develop your skill set to become even more influential and persuasive, increasing your impact and visibility in the workplace

Through SHELeads, you will know yourself more deeply than ever before by…

  • Observing yourself in action and practicing reflection and introspection to gain an understanding of who you are. You will test different approaches to grow within yourself and to manage your reactions and responses more effectively.
  • Gaining the momentum you need to experience real change. It will equip you with powerful tools to be able to self-coach in moments when it matters
  • Actually doing the work, not just discussing different theoretical approaches. Tapping into your inner world and subconscious mind to change your outer world.
  • Seeing the whole picture, looking at life and work holistically. You'll learn to see and appreciate life, develop sources of joy outside of work, and practice balance to enhance your leadership.
  • Improving your relationship with yourself so you can improve your relationships with other people in your life, and with life itself!
  • Developing essential leadership skills that increase your impact with others and are built upon a solid foundation of core confidence.
  • Surrounding yourself with community support to get inspiration from and feel fully accompanied!

Through SHELeads, you will know yourself more deeply than ever before by…

  • Observing yourself in action and practicing reflection and introspection to gain an understanding of who you are. You will test different approaches to grow within yourself and to manage your reactions and responses more effectively.
  • Gaining the momentum you need to experience real change. It will equip you with powerful tools to be able to self-coach in moments when it matters
  • Actually doing the work, not just discussing different theoretical approaches. Tapping into your inner world and subconscious mind to change your outer world.
  • Seeing the whole picture, looking at life and work holistically. You'll learn to see and appreciate life, develop sources of joy outside of work, and practice balance to enhance your leadership.
  • Improving your relationship with yourself so you can improve your relationships with other people in your life, and with life itself!
  • Developing essential leadership skills that increase your impact with others and are built upon a solid foundation of core confidence.
  • Surrounding yourself with community support to get inspiration from and feel fully accompanied!

How does it work?

SHELeads is a 6-month journey that combines weekly LIVE online sessions, self-paced study, one-to-one coaching and mentoring, and access to an alumni community.

You’ll be part of a small, all-women cohort of 6-12 international participants at various career levels, fully supported on this transformational journey.

The program blends theory with practical exercises and assignments to help you assimilate knowledge and grow from within. You will develop new skills to advance your career without jeopardising your personal well-being.

Each session builds on the knowledge acquired in the previous one; every step prepares you for the next.

The Leader



The Influencer

  • Gain a deeper understanding of who you really are.
  • Step confidently into your authentic self as a person to become an effective leader.
  • Deep dive into your personality traits to master your strengths and weaknesses like never before.
  • Identify your unique talents hidden in plain sight so you can leverage them in any situation.
  • Explore the deep-rooted patterns and mental blocks keeping you stuck so you can finally break free and take charge of your life.
  • Explore your relationship with your feminine and masculine self.
  • Discover new ways to express your feminine qualities in your leadership style so you can bring your whole self to work and feel more authentic.
  • Gain the upper hand by understanding how to navigate male-dominated environments.
  • Finally understand how to make your hormones work FOR you and not against you.
  • Quantum leap your success by raising your bodily and emotional awareness and say goodbye to reactivity.
  • Identify and prioritize the balance between your life, values, and priorities to defend against burnout.
  • Craft your vision, reflect on your purpose and legacy, and build a life that encompasses all that is important to you.
  • Build a toolbox of skills and strategies to become more productive and manage the demands and pressures of your job.
  • Learn the habits and skills to master your energy levels, increase your resistance to stress, and enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Build healthier and more effective teams by understanding human behavior and motivation.
  • Master the art and science of effective communication.
  • Set and maintain clear boundaries by being boldly and unapologetically assertive.
  • Develop the skills to confidently and naturally build credibility and trust with anyone.
  • Navigate conflicts effectively, handle difficult people with ease, and manage difficult situations like a PRO.
  • Dominate the principles of influence and persuasion to increase your sense of self-worth, impact, and visibility - in the workplace and beyond.

How does it work?

SHELeads is a 6-month journey that combines weekly LIVE online sessions, self-paced study, one-to-one coaching and mentoring, and access to an alumni community.

You’ll be part of a small, all-women cohort of 6-12 international participants at various career levels, fully supported on this transformational journey.

The program blends theory with practical exercises and assignments to help you assimilate knowledge and grow from within. You will develop new skills to advance your career without jeopardising your personal well-being.

Each session builds on the knowledge acquired in the previous one; every step prepares you for the next.

The Leader

  • Gain a deeper understanding of who you really are.
  • Step confidently into your authentic self as a person to become an effective leader.
  • Deep dive into your personality traits to master your strengths and weaknesses like never before.
  • Identify your unique talents hidden in plain sight so you can leverage them in any situation.
  • Explore the deep-rooted patterns and mental blocks keeping you stuck so you can finally break free and take charge of your life.


  • Explore your relationship with your feminine and masculine self.
  • Discover new ways to express your feminine qualities in your leadership style so you can bring your whole self to work and feel more authentic.
  • Gain the upper hand by understanding how to navigate male-dominated environments.
  • Finally understand how to make your hormones work FOR you and not against you.
  • Quantum leap your success by raising your bodily and emotional awareness and say goodbye to reactivity.


  • Identify and prioritize the balance between your life, values, and priorities to defend against burnout.
  • Craft your vision, reflect on your purpose and legacy, and build a life that encompasses all that is important to you.
  • Build a toolbox of skills and strategies to become more productive and manage the demands and pressures of your job.
  • Learn the habits and skills to master your energy levels, increase your resistance to stress, and enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The Influencer

  • Build healthier and more effective teams by understanding human behavior and motivation.
  • Master the art and science of effective communication.
  • Set and maintain clear boundaries by being boldly and unapologetically assertive.
  • Develop the skills to confidently and naturally build credibility and trust with anyone.
  • Navigate conflicts effectively, handle difficult people with ease, and manage difficult situations like a PRO.
  • Dominate the principles of influence and persuasion to increase your sense of self-worth, impact, and visibility - in the workplace and beyond.

SHELeads difference!

We do things differently here. We're not just about professional success. We're also helping you grow as a person, celebrating what makes you uniquely awesome as a woman leader.

Why You'll Love This:

  • Six Months of Real Growth: Dive deep for half a year with us and come out stronger, wiser, and ready for anything.
  • Just Us Girls: In our groups of 6 to 12, it's all about us women supporting each other in a cosy and safe space. It's tailor-made just for the challenges we face.
  • More Than Work: We're not just talking about getting ahead at work. We're about making your whole life more awesome.
  • Teaming Up with Businesses: We work with companies too, making teams better by empowering women like you to be more confident, self-aware, and effective at working with a diverse mix of people.

That's SHELeads in a nutshell – empowering you to be your best at work and in life! 🌟

SHELeads difference!

We do things differently here. We're not just about professional success. We're also helping you grow as a person, celebrating what makes you uniquely awesome as a woman leader.

Why You'll Love This:

  • Six Months of Real Growth: Dive deep for half a year with us and come out stronger, wiser, and ready for anything.
  • Just Us Girls: In our groups of 6 to 12, it's all about us women supporting each other in a cosy and safe space. It's tailor-made just for the challenges we face.
  • More Than Work: We're not just talking about getting ahead at work. We're about making your whole life more awesome.
  • Teaming Up with Businesses: We work with companies too, making teams better by empowering women like you to be more confident, self-aware, and effective at working with a diverse mix of people.

That's SHELeads in a nutshell – empowering you to be your best at work and in life! 🌟

What's it like inside SHELeads?


  • Cohort: 6 to 12 participants only
  • Group sessions: 22 online live sessions (90 minutes weekly)
  • Private coaching & mentoring: 6 sessions (60 minutes monthly)
  • Self-paced study: 25 hours
  • Support materials: weekly assignments, handouts, and checklists
  • Personality assessment: includes a detailed personalized report


  • Monthly Masterminds with SHELeads Alumni
  • Masterclasses with SHELeads Expert Collaborators
  • Group coaching and mentoring
  • Female executives of different nationalities
  • Fortune 1000 company members
  • Face-to-face encounters with our local communities


“Lower self-esteem is also associated with the gender pay gap. People with lower self-esteem find it harder to assert themselves; they underestimate their worth and are thus unable to get what they want in a negotiation.”


What is the true cost of staying in your comfort zone?

You might have become so used to your daily routine that it feels normal and manageable.

However, like many others, you’ve likely invested a tremendous amount of effort, time, or money trying to ‘get ahead’ in both your work and life. You’ve probably...

  • Attended all kinds of courses, workshops, seminars, and retreats, only to find that your initial motivation quickly wore off and you're back to the old ways of doing things…
  • Got yourself a prestigious MBA, only to realize that having all that knowledge is great but it doesn't transform your life.
  • Worked with a mentor until it became painfully clear that what seemed to work for them is not working for you.
  • Tried to learn on the job but since you've hardly had any time to reflect on your leadership strategy and effectiveness, you made a few costly mistakes.
  • Realised that doing it alone proves to be a very lengthy and lonesome process!
  • Relied on your company for your career development and you now see that real leadership requires so much more than just skill development. It requires inner work, which is rarely part of any corporate training curriculum. Plus, is the development path the company has in mind for you in line with the real YOU?
  • Read countless books, and hired coaches, and you're still not where you want to be!

You’ve worked so hard, and yet, you’re still just scratching the surface of where you know you could be.

The fact that you’re still reading this right now means you’re ready for more… but how?

You can keep trying to piece solutions together on your own.

OR you can join SHELeads in a cohort of like-minded ambitious, hard-working women who are committed to having an awesome high-impact career but also a life that's truly worth living!


Is SHELeads right for you?

SHELeads is truly something special, but let's face it, it's not for everyone. You must be committed to your growth and willing to do the work.

SHELeads is NOT for you if…

  • You don't feel well in a group and prefer a one-on-one coach.
  • You're content with ‘What Is’ (because it could be much worse!) or have little curiosity and desire to test, experiment, and yes… fail forward.

But SHELeads is perfect for you if…

  • You're totally ready for an ‘upgrade’ and you want to do the essential inner work.
  • You have recently stepped into a (new) leadership position - people or project management - and want to build up your confidence, courage, and influence to lead in a way that's aligned with who you are!
  • You have been in a leadership role for a while but want to increase your impact, gain clarity as to what's next, and start cultivating a more balanced and fulfilling life.
  • You are in a period of transition, and want to skill up and get ready for your new leadership challenge, so you can job search with confidence.

SHELeads ISN’T about theoretical shifts…

It’s about EMBODYING practical leadership in action - with a feedback loop built in.

It’s fun.
It’s empowering.
It’s learning through exploration.
It’s curiosity without judgment.
It’s laughter and tears.
It’s about skills that work AT work.
It’s about balance and the complete YOU.

And it’s about learning to LEAD yourself to lead others.

Because you can’t DO leadership, you have to BE a leader.

What is THIS worth to you?

Just imagine…

  • You feel a sense of power and peace - there’s an inner knowing that you are good enough, that you are capable, you matter, and you deserve respect. That debilitating self-talk is… gone!
  • Your team members are doing great and bringing their best selves to work every day. You're a true role model. Your peers and superiors trust and respect you.
  • You have a deep appreciation for your life’s journey that led to who you are today and your unique leadership style. The opinions of others and the fear of being judged do not stop you anymore.
  • You feel calm and collected in situations of discomfort. You recognize and appreciate that you are an emotional being, but you're no longer enslaved by your emotions.
  • You no longer have to perform to certain expectations or behave in a certain way in order to fit in. You understand who you are, your unique skill set, and your contribution, and you're not afraid to go after what you desire!
  • You no longer need to wear protective armor to work, hiding your shortcomings and trying really hard, always proving something to somebody.
  • You value your opinion and feel confident to speak up no matter the issue or the people in front of you. You can influence with your words and your presence. You feel fully in your power, as a professional, a leader, and a woman!
  • You have new ways to re-energize your body and mind without having to rely solely on coffee or sugary snacks. You feel great and have enough time and energy to work hard and play hard!
  • You don't feel guilty for taking proper time off, for leaving the office ‘early’, for not checking your emails enough. You enjoy a more balanced life, having enough time for what matters to you!
  • You feel deeply satisfied with your work, doing what you like and getting paid what you're worth. You're not afraid to showcase yourself and your value, becoming a magnet for the opportunities that are aligned with who you are.

What would all of this be worth to you? 10,000€… 20,000€… 50,000€ or more?

Your investment in SHELeads doesn’t come anywhere close to that. What's more, you may even get sponsorship from your company!

What is THIS worth to you?

Just imagine…

  • You feel a sense of power and peace - there’s an inner knowing that you are good enough, that you are capable, you matter, and you deserve respect. That debilitating self-talk is… gone!
  • Your team members are doing great and bringing their best selves to work every day. You're a true role model. Your peers and superiors trust and respect you.
  • You have a deep appreciation for your life’s journey that led to who you are today and your unique leadership style. The opinions of others and the fear of being judged do not stop you anymore.
  • You feel calm and collected in situations of discomfort. You recognize and appreciate that you are an emotional being, but you're no longer enslaved by your emotions.
  • You no longer have to perform to certain expectations or behave in a certain way in order to fit in. You understand who you are, your unique skill set, and your contribution, and you're not afraid to go after what you desire!
  • You no longer need to wear protective armor to work, hiding your shortcomings and trying really hard, always proving something to somebody.
  • You value your opinion and feel confident to speak up no matter the issue or the people in front of you. You can influence with your words and your presence. You feel fully in your power, as a professional, a leader, and a woman!
  • You have new ways to re-energize your body and mind without having to rely solely on coffee or sugary snacks. You feel great and have enough time and energy to work hard and play hard!
  • You don't feel guilty for taking proper time off, for leaving the office ‘early’, for not checking your emails enough. You enjoy a more balanced life, having enough time for what matters to you!
  • You feel deeply satisfied with your work, doing what you like and getting paid what you're worth. You're not afraid to showcase yourself and your value, becoming a magnet for the opportunities that are aligned with who you are.

What would all of this be worth to you? 10,000€… 20,000€… 50,000€ or more?

Your investment in SHELeads doesn’t come anywhere close to that. What's more, you may even get sponsorship from your company!

Choose The Plan That's Right for You

Most flexible

As low as

499 €



Six monthly payments of 499€, totaling 2,994€. All payments must be completed before the program's end date. 

Most popular

One-time Payment of

2,999 €

2,699 €

early bird discount

Only applies for registrations for up to 20 days before the program start date. Our next cohort begins September, 24th 2024

At the end of the day..

We all just want to feel good about ourselves.

We all want to feel heard, seen, and respected.

We want to make our mark on the world.

We want time for what matters most.

And we don't want to do leadership but be and feel like a leader.

Your tribe to cheer you up 
on this journey!

Your tribe to cheer you up on this journey!

Ever heard that popular saying: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”?

It's clear that if you want to make lasting changes in your life, surrounding yourself with the right people is key.

People who will support, inspire, and cheer you on; individuals with whom you can share experiences and bounce ideas off...

Stepping into the SHELeads Program grants you immediate access to our alumni network—the SHELeads Community.

This is a constant and consistent place for learning and support for women just like you. Our community consists of women executives from various European countries, sectors, and industries, all at different stages and levels of their leadership journey.

We regularly host monthly Mastermind sessions, and depending on your country of residence, you can also join our informal, enjoyable face-to-face gatherings!


With the SHELeads Community, you will feel fully supported on this journey!

You don't have to go it alone!

But wait! There's more…


Polish your public speaking skills

Get exclusive access to the PUBLIC SPEAKING MODULE, complete with video lessons and checklists to help you craft awesome presentations and refine your speaking style. Public speaking is one of the most sought-after skills by female executives, and for good reason. It enhances confidence and elevates professional visibility.

The ability to speak effectively in public is a MUST for anyone aiming to exert powerful influence.

Leadership is an INSIDE job. When you build yourself up first, becoming stronger mentally and emotionally, you can integrate that with powerful leadership skills to handle whatever comes your way.

Interested in

SHELeads for your company?


get in touch

“For the past 3 years, the SHELeads training has played a pivotal role in AB InBev‘s pipeline for women leaders. SHELeads participants become better leaders, better professionals. We talk about equality but when we look at the facts, there is still a difference there and we need trainings like this to bridge it effectively.“

— Flavia Gomez Aragao,


No more scrolling through life.
No more waiting for opportunities to come to you!
No more waiting for someone to notice your work and pay you what you're worth.

You're ready for an upgrade, and we're here to help you!

Got more questions?







Got more questions?







“According to estimates from Eurostat, in 2023, in the EU-27 as a whole, women were paid, on average, 13% less per hour than men.”

“If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.”

It's time to prioritize yourself again and embark on what could be a truly transformational journey.

You are so much more than you think, but there are parts of you lying dormant.

It’s time to unlock the awesome and inspiring leader within you.

You have what it takes to make an impact! You can pursue your career ambitions without sacrificing all the amazing things life has to offer…

That transformation is only one small choice away…

I'll see you on the inside,


“If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.”

It's time to prioritize yourself again and embark on what could be a truly transformational journey.

You are so much more than you think, but there are parts of you lying dormant.

It’s time to unlock the awesome and inspiring leader within you.

You have what it takes to make an impact! You can pursue your career ambitions without sacrificing all the amazing things life has to offer…

That transformation is only one small choice away…

I'll see you on the inside,


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